Original Article
User Goals Extraction for a mhealth-based Medication Management System for Individuals with Visual Impairment
Kiana Farhadyar*, Reza Safdari and Ahmad Beh-Pajooh
Background: Prevalence of visual impairment is increasing all around the world and this impairment makes the medication management process more complicated. According to literature, Technology, particularly mobile technology has a significant impact on both medication adherence and improving quality of life for people with visual impairment. Due to aforementioned facts, the researchers decided to identify the user’s goals for a mHealth-based medication management system for visually impaired individuals to help the developers to design and develop a medication management system for visually impaired individuals considering to improve their medication adherence and also preserve their independence.
Methods: A goal directed approach, introduced by Cooper, has been used in order to extract the goals of visually impaired users who would empl.. Read More»
DOI: 10.24105/ejbi.2018.14.4.7