journal of biomedical informatics
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Gautam Rout

JRF, Regional plant Resource Centre, BBSR, Odisha, India


  • Mini Review   
    A study of Ontology in the Field of Clinical and Biomedical Informatics
    Author(s): Gautam Rout*

    In biomedicine, ontologies are one of the most effective means of describing actionable knowledge. Chronically patients are the most common, difficult, and resourceintensive clinical problems to deal with in health care. These patients require long-term and simultaneous treatment from a variety of professions, such as family doctors, specialists, nurses, and social workers. In the realm of biomedical and clinical informatics, managing research data is becoming an impossible challenge. These massive data volumes can’t be evaluated, interpreted, or processed by hand quickly enough to get inferred knowledge. We require intelligent agents or computer systems to assist us in doing these activities, thus medical knowledge must be represented in a computerprocessable format. In medical informatics, semantic technology and ontology can be utilised to partially alleviate the data managem.. Read More»