journal of biomedical informatics
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Peter Eklund

Deakin University, Australia


  • Reviews   
    Is National eHealth in Slovenia on Track to be an Open eHealth Platform?
    Author(s): Mate Beštek* and Peter Eklund

    Background: The driving force for information and communication technology in healthcare has been directed towards better-coordinated care but high cost and time consumption in addition to difficulties with cooperation with resident practitioners has hampered progress. Therefore, due to the underestimation of difficulties to manage national eHealth activities, the potential of eHealth in Europe is still to be realized. Methods: An evaluation of the national eHealth in Slovenia grounded on open platform theory based organizational design principles for eHealth platforms has been conducted. We used a running use case of an eDiabetes digital health intervention as a potential new central service of the national eHealth platform. We discussed all the design principles and also constructed a questionnaire during the process to additionally help wit.. Read More»