Research Article
Towards Predicting the Grade of Erectile Dysfunction with a Fuzzy Decision System: Application of Artificial Intelligence in Male Sexual Health
Subhagata Chattopadhyay*
The incidence and prevalence of male sexual disorders are on a rise. Cigarette smoking, alcoholism, mental illnesses, metabolic diseases, lifestyle issues, and their various combinations are some key causes of it. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as an inability to achieve and maintain an erection for successful sexual intercourse. Sexuality is a taboo across the globe. Therefore, patients suffering from an ED usually skip visiting the doctors and indulge in self-medications, e.g., over-the-counter use of aphrodisiacs and various erection-inducing drugs. As a result, many suffer from serious side effects or even die. This paper aims to predict the grade of ED (dependent parameter) based on the grades of three independent parameters, such as (a) cigarette smoking, (b) diabetes (blood level of HbA1c), Medical/health informatics, and (c) hypertension with a fuzzy decision system (FDS.. Read More»