Background: The Czech Republic belongs to countries with high coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality. The aim was to analyze age, period and cohort specific CHD mortality in men from the Czech Republic.
Design and Methods: National data on mortality of men (30-74 yrs.) in the Czech Republic in 1980-2004 were explored. The Poisson regression model was applied to evaluate age, period and cohort effects on mortality.
Results: An adequate fit of CHD men's mortality provided the age-period-cohort model (p=0.121). The ratio of mortality of the age group 45-49 to 40-44 was by 17 % lower than that of the age group 40-44 to 35-39. The ratio of the relative risk of period 1995-1999 to 1990-1994 was by 19 % lower than that of the period 1990-1994 to 1985-1989. The ratios of the relative risks between adjoining birth cohort-groups were close to 1.
Conclusions: The fatal CHD risk in Czech men was significantly depended on age (the risk increasing with age), calendar period (the risk reduced in the recent years), and birth cohort (the risk decreasing with birth cohort). The crucial positive change in the CHD mortality trend was observed after the collapse of communism in 1989, and in men past age 40 years.