journal of biomedical informatics
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Temporomandibular Joint Prosthesis - 3D-CT Reconstruction before and after Treatment

Author(s): E. Feltlová, T. Dostálova, M. Kašparová J. Daněk, P. Hliňáková, M. Hubáček, J. Nedoma

The recent progress in understanding the biomedical basis for temporomandibular joint. (TMJ) therapy as well as in computer and imaging technologies is beginning to provide novel insights into TMJ reconstruction, rational diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Several methods are available for imaging the TMJ. These include basic radiography (such as panorexes and corrected tomograms), ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and spiral or conebeam computed tomography. The latter technologies allow the joint to be visualized as sections in different planes and can also be rendered as 3 D volumetric reconstructions to enhance diagnostic capabilities. The aim of the study is demonstrate patient's therapy including 1 year recall. This contribution deals with 3D analysis of the mathematical and computer modeling of biomechanics of the jaw. Case report monitors step by step treatment plan, preprosthetic surgery, mandibular reconstruction and process of healing. 3D- CT was used to monitor the patient with dental cysts. The mathematical and computer TMJ models analysis using overlapping of 3D CT before and after 1 year therapy shows the stability of TMJ partial prosthesis reconstruction. Mathematical modeling and mathematical simulation of the reconstruction of patient jaw and/or patient TMJ may predict the joint loading of the reconstructed condyle. Our study demonstrated practical use of 3D images during TMJ therapy. Although many of the disorders involving the temporomandibular joint and associated structures can be diagnosed clinically on the basis of the history and physical findings, there are others that require the use of various imaging techniques to make an accurate diagnosis or to determine the extent of involvement. Imaging the hard and soft tissues of the temporomandibular joint can be used not only for treatment planning but also long-term treatment evaluation.
